Look out Paris – I turned in all my papers and paid for my passport today. Should arrive in about 4 weeks, the lady said. I actually kinda liked my passport photo – I had that “far away visionary look” in it.
Heyyy… that reminds me… does anybody know exactly where in France Johnny Depp lives?
Anyway, I got my Darth Vader statue today (it was free because I got a Star Wars credit card). It rules!
One last thing… do people even read the descriptions on pictures at places like Deviantart, side7 or elfwood? I posted a picture in one of my deviantart accounts today saying that it was a sketch and that I had finished it earlier this year and the finished version was here in my deviantart gallery. The comments I got on it were like ‘nice work so far, can’t wait to see the finished product.’ I mean, it’s just a nitpick, and the comments I got were nice, and I guess I should have gone and found the finished one and linked to it… but… sometimes it just seems like, why do I even bother writing this description…?